Art Catalog CN-201
“Clearly then – the city is not a concrete jungle – it is a human zoo.”
---Desmond Morris (1928-?)
Study distinguished from general image principle being photo realities. Following images representing – true or probably true animals, not be considered – by viewers! All the images are phony actors. Intended as humorous decoration, artist use of tasteless colors in dizzying combinations – so how does taste relate to the moves and counter – moves of animals – symbolically, as animal paintings perhaps acts of the imagination and make effort to transcend the familiar to profane shapes – although quite concrete in appearance.
Robert Le Johnno 2012
Notice right usage terms – catalog CN 201 Public domain & open source.(本拍摄手记中图片资源可在公共领域中使用)
(CCN传媒图片网 孟波) (文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)